Saturday 1 May 2010


What a great day, the sun was shining and the library had a 'Giant Booksale' on. I only meant to browse, but with fiction books at 10p each or 12 for a £1, it was inevitable that I'd come home loaded.

It was a good job we got there early as people were crowded around the tables like bee's around honey. They didn't have any of the books that I had put on my wishlist but who cares about that when confronted by boxes and boxes of books for 10p, I had every confidence that I'd find something. In the event I found 12 something's and 4 audiobooks (though 2 of those were for my Dad). One of the audiobooks was a Julian Barnes novel so I'm thrilled about that because he's a current favourite. Another book had been recommended to me yesterday (Patrick Rothfuss's 'The Name of the Wind) so I was delighted to find that.

I don't know where I'm going to put all of them, I don't know when I'm going to get time to read them but I'll manage somehow.

All of this booty cost me the grand sum of £3.00!

I still came home with 2 additional loan books though, couldn't resist David Eggers 'The Wild Things' and Gaynor Arnold's 'Girl in a Blue Dress'. They should make book reading an Olympic sport!

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